
- this site uses cookies uses cookies
You who visit a website that uses cookies must by law be informed about this and how you can opt out.

There are two types of cookies
Temporary cookies: containing temporary information between page downloads. They are saved nowhere but disappear when you close your browser.

Permanent cookies: that settle as a file on the computer for a shorter or longer period of time. They save settings and information from one visit to the next. Some permanent cookies can be used to track a user's visit to several different websites.

Can cookies contain viruses?
No, cookies are common text files and cannot contain viruses. The files are small and most browsers only allow a certain amount of cookies to be stored in memory.

Prevent, find and delete cookies
If you do not want to allow storage or if you want to delete cookies on your computer, you can turn it off / clear under settings in your browser. Check the help feature in your browser for information on how to change your cookie settings.

We use third party programs
Google Analytics: a tool for statistics and analytics that gives us an idea of ​​how our visitors use our site. The tool's cookies contain no information about who the visitor is. The information provided by these cookies when you visit our site is transmitted to and stored by Google.

Google Analytics stores information about:

  • when you first visited the site
  • when you last visited the site
  • when your current visit began
  • how many times you visited the site
  • which browser you use
  • how to find the site (traffic sources).

Google Tag Manager stores information about:

  • repeat visitors
  • how people navigate our site